Saturday, December 25, 2010

Chocolate Oak Aged Yeti 12-25-2010

Ze Beer? Chocolate Oak Aged Yeti
Ze Style? Imperial Stout
Ze Maker? Great Divide Brewing
Ze Content! 9.5%
Serving type: 22oz Bomber

So, I had wanted to do a “Christmas” blog this year, and I wanted to do something wintery, like a winter ale, but when I went through my collection of beers, I noticed I had no “winter” ales to blog about. I originally lined up the new Samuel Adam’s Collaboration the “Infinium” to taste, but after spending some time with my family, and talking to my cousin to doesn’t have much of a taste for stouts, I felt this would be an appropriate beer to blog on tonight. My cousin Jason isn’t much for dark beers, but it seems his experience is narrowed down to Guinness; I assured him that there was a whole world out there of stouts, different styles, flavors and ways to drink them. Though stouts and Imperial stouts may not be for everyone, and my cousin may not even enjoy a “non-Guinness” stout. Any chance I have to help persuade to try a good quality beer the better. I have had this bottle from the summer when I was in Colorado for my brother’s wedding; here’s to you Jason, enjoy!

The Oak Aged Chocolate Yeti pours as a solid black liquid, with a bit of weight and depth as it pours, it almost feels like its pouring out in slight globs, like if it were real thick paint. The head forms slowly, and cascades from within the beer to the top. It’s a nice mocha brown color, thick but not too fluffy, but doesn’t retain too long. From the moment I begin to pour this beer, I can smell the chocolate and the malty grain from this beer. A deep molasses smell resonates from the nose alongside a smoked woody oak dryness, as you can smell a slight hint of ethanol hiding in this beer. Surprisingly very smooth on the taste, a bit of a lingered bitterness from the dark cocoa, not too creamy but a bit of body in this brew. A little bit of spice on the finish if you can get past the chocolate malts throughout this beer. The content is a bit on the higher side, but the alcohol is hidden well. A slight bit of hop up front before a blast of malts parade through to the finish.

Would I PAY for this beer? Yes, this is a wonderful Imperial Stout. Though not as wonderful as the regular Oak Aged Yeti, it is still good and refreshing, the heavy chocolates makes this beer refreshing; but, I feel if you’re going to be an Imperial Stout, be an Imperial Stout, and same goes with a chocolate stout, just be a chocolate stout, I think a bit is lost in the attempt to be both.

Overall Rating: B+/A-

-Ze Beer Guy

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Zipfer 12-21-2010

Ze Beer? Zipfer
Ze Style? Heller (European Lager)
Ze Maker? Brauerei Zipf
Ze Content! 5.4%
Serving Type: 22 oz Bomber

So, this beer was purchased for me from my wonderful boss at work. It was a Birthday gift, and it was a new delivery, and seeing as he enjoys the idea of these blogs I’m doing, decided he’d help out with a beer, id probably never buy. The “Fat Michelob” we call it, and by the picture you can see why. This has just been sitting in the fridge for a couple of months, so it was time to break it out and blog. I would have drank it much sooner, but now I have conflicts. It’s dinner time and I want to drink you, but because you are my only bottle, do I have time to blog you?. Oh the days of Sad Panda are amongst us. Alright Bob, let’s have a crack at this fatty Michelob.

At the pour, you can immediately smell all that malt, pale malts everywhere. A very clear golden yellow color from this beer, a nice fluffy head that lasts a good while before completely gone, leaving nice micro-bubbles latched to the sides of the glass. Lots of pale malt on the nose, with some grain going on. Surprisingly the bubbles do nothing to the carbonation as the beer tastes rather flat; again, emphasis on, “Pale EVERYWHERE”. This beer has a nice creamy texture, but combined with the amount of pale going on, almost leave an awkward texture in your mouth. Not much for flavor in this beer, other than the pale malt going on. I mean if you like a good pale lager, this beer is definitely great, but it’s a bit much for my liking, I much prefer a pale ale. All you can really get out of this beer is the amount of malted grain used. If it weren’t for that creamy texture this beer would be a lot more drinkable. As someone who doesn’t care for many lagers I would rate this beer much lower than I will, but being the kind “attempted” unbiased person I am. I’ll be nicer.

Would I PAY for this beer? No, not for myself, it’s a decent beer, and I know a few people who would love it; but this style just isn’t for me.

Overall Rating: C

-Ze Beer Guy

Friday, December 17, 2010

Samuel Smith's Nut Brown Ale 12-17-2010

Ze Beer? Samuel Smith’s Nut Brown Ale
Ze Style? Nut Brown Ale
Ze Maker? Samuel Smith Old Brewery (Tadcaster)
Ze Content! 5%

Samuel Smith’s makes some great brews. Slightly different from what you’re used to here in the states, as they are all English style beers. Seeing as Newcastle is one of my favorite anytime beers, the search for another good brown style seemed appropriate. And well as both are English Style, I picked up a bottle long ago, and tried it out. I decided to blog this beer, because today during my tasting, I had the Samuel Smith’s Winter Welcome Ale. Though not too impressed with the Winter Welcome, why not re-visit one of my classic “go-to’s” for those who want a little something less mainstream in America.

This English 550mL beer is a classic brown English ale by all standards. It pours a great mahogany brown color with little head on the pour. An off-white head leaves decent lacing, but not too sticky. You can definitely smell the malts in this beer a sweet caramel nutty tone present. A bit of toffee on the end, but definitely heavy on the sweet and breaded malts. This beer has that English Creaminess you can find in most English-style Ales, and along with it you get some wonderful toasted nuts and roasted malt flavors. Noticeable caramel, with softer tones of coffee and toffee make this beer quite tasty at and warming. A medium body gives this beer a bit of stickyness combined with a lighter carbonation allows for this beer to coat the mouth nicely, and leave just the right amount of aftertaste.

Would I PAY for this beer? Yea, it’s a great English beer and you cannot get many of those these days, in the world of craft microbrewing. Though there are better domestic beers that taste very similar if not almost identical, there’s something nostalgic about revisiting a Samuel Smith Nut Brown; and that nostalgia makes me buy this.

Overall Rating: B+

-Ze Beer Guy

Pumpkin Ale 12-17-2010

Ze Beer? Buffalo Bill’s Pumpkin Ale
Ze Style? Pumpkin Ale
Ze Maker? Buffalo Bill’s Brewery
Ze Content! 5.2% abv

Oh Pumpkin Ales, what can I say about thee. I am not a fan, to me there is only one type of pumpkin flavored anything, and that it comes in a roll. Every year my mom makes this wonderfully Pumpkin Roll, I look forward to it every year, I was in fact nervous I wouldn’t be able to have any this year… but alas, she came through and made it. I even got to take home the leftovers, but someone ate the rest before I had a chance *sad panda*, Oh well always next year. Of all the Pumpkin Ales I have tried this Pumpkin Ale is the easiest for me to drink? Why? Probably because its more spice than pumpkin. If I had to CHOOSE a Pumpkin Ale, it would definitely be this one. So, it’s the holiday season, and as the temperature drops why not send it away with a Pumpkin Ale. Huzzah!

This beer poured a light slightly hazed orange color, good carbonation and a good initial head, but the retention was not there, the head fizzled away in less than a minute. The initial smell is great with loads of spices coming off even before getting close to the glass, but that’s about all you smell. That fall time cinnamon-y and nutmeged cloved scent. Tons of pumpkin spices on the palate when you drink this beer, though the actual pumpkin taste is very light and mild, hard to pick up. Maybe this is why I can actually stand this Pumpkin Ale. Would have expected more from the taste due to the nose of this beer being so strong but it falls short of a full bodied and flavored Pumpkin Ale. It’s easy to drink but the spices do catch up to me and it becomes a bit too sweet with the malts. Would still prefer this Pumpkin Ale to others, but I think it’s because the pumpkin flavor isn’t too strong in this case.

Would I PAY for this beer? No, I do not like Pumpkin Ale, I do not like them in your house, I do not like them with a mouse. I do not like the taste of Pumpkin , I do not like them… err… Roy I. Guardsman

Overall Rating: C-

-Ze Beer Guy

Friday, October 29, 2010

Serpent's Stout 10-29-2010

Ze Beer? Serpent’s Stout
Ze Style? Imperial Stout
Ze Maker? The Lost Abbey
Ze Content! 11%

So this beer I received as a Birthday gift from one of my best friends Matthew Rusting-Morey. It was my birthday in September, and a growler from Lost Abbey/Pizza Port Brewery was purchased for me  Thanks Matt! So this bottle clearly isn’t the “Serpent Stout” normal bottle but what you see here is The Lost Abbey’s 2 Liter Growler. Had to bust out the big Guard for the Big Bottle! I have only had a few of The Lost Abbey’s beers, but so far from what I’ve had they are all worth the price. The Lost Abbey is in Southern California, and if anyone is near the area, it is definitely worth the visit.

As most Imperial stouts are, this beer is pretty dark, not much head to it and the retention was a bit light as well, but it had a nice tan color to the head. Not as Jet black as other imperial stouts, but through the body, it’s pretty opaque with light brown edges along the glass lines. Right off the bat you can smell the booze content on this beer, it is indeed 11% but it also smells like its 11%. Tons of roasted malts with some decent but not overpowering coffee scents; raisin and fig maybe too? As well as some chocolate going through, with a bit of toffee caramel on the back end of the nose. Possibly some molasses tones helping the sweetness come through. Nice lacing, on the glass. Though the boozey content is very noticeable it doesn’t have that boozey burn in your mouth… makes his much easier to drink, while clearly knowing, this beer will do you in if not careful. A soft chocolate bitter hangs in your mouth, a little creamy but not to heavy or thick, at least for an imperial. At first sips the stout can be a bit strong, but once you take a decent swig of this stout, you realize the booziness isn’t too bad, and it becomes quite enjoyable. Not too rich, makes this imperial easier to drink, Though I do believe a growler in one setting may be too much… Or is it ;)

Would I PAY for this beer? It depends on the occasion, if I were going out, one bottle would do the trick, but I wouldn’t bring this to just an average party, I feel as if it would go to waste. But if I were in the mood for this, I would most definitely buy it!

Overall Rating: A-

-Ze Beer Guy

Monday, October 11, 2010

Moose Drool 10-11-2010

Ze Beer? Moose Drool
Ze Style? Brown Ale
Ze Maker? Big Sky Brewing Co.
Ze Content! 5.1%

So October has begun, and I am now officially making my blog public, which means I will do my best to maintain and update this blog as often as possible. Let’s see how this goes! I first turned to Moose Drool when expanding my beer horizons beyond that of a Newcastle. Newcastle will always have a special place in my heart as a beer that is just decent to drink for an anytime beer. This one just caught my attention because well… the label is that of a Moose… Drooling. C’mon. I see people buying this beer often enough to feel confident that I wouldn’t be immediately let down, but as I see it there is only one way to try out a new beer. Drink it. Let’s do it.

Moose Drool pours a nice mahogany color into your glass, Not much head to it, and little retention, but that may have to do with I’ve had this bottle for some time as well. I tend to save bottles, more than I need to. A great nutty nose from this brown ale, a soft bit of caramel maltiness, with a subtle dark chocolate bitterness to the finish makes this beer very nice. Lots of fresh nuts, and a tad bit of coffee fill your nose just about borderline porter style this brown is a bit heavier than the common Newcastle. When you drink this beer, it is definitely a nice refreshing take on what a darker beer may hint to. Surprisingly lighter in body than one would expect from a beer this dark, still has a decent weight, and a nice taste, very drinkable for the color of this beer. It can be a bit sweet, good for a few beers especially with dinner, but stand alone, possibly not the best idea.

Would I PAY for this beer? On occasion the mood strikes for a decent nutty brown ale, usually for me when it hits, I just go for a porter. If you haven’t had this beer, but enjoy its style… pick one up. Or like me, wait for someone else to buy it then gladly call dibs. :)

Overall Rating: C+

-Ze Beer Guy

Monday, September 13, 2010

Pliney the Elder 9-13-2010

Ze Beer? Pliney the Elder
Ze Style? American Double IPA
Ze Maker? Russian River
Ze Content! 8%

So, I’ve had this bottle sitting in my fridge longer than id care to truly admit. However this was a gift from Robert Jones, a good beer loving friend of mine. It was supposed to be my first Pliney! And technically was, at the time of gift giving; but before I had gotten around to the bottle I have had the beer a few other times. It’s the thought that counts right? Needless to say, I finally got around to opening this bottle. I almost didn’t want to, it was my only bottle, what was I to do after it was gone? Technically I keep the empty bottle in the fridge so when I open it to look at the variety, my eyes see a Pliney, and my mind can be at ease. So enough with the jibba jabba, let’s get on with the tasting!

The moment you open the bottle, you can smell the citrus from the beer, the fresh clean flavor, a beautiful golden orange color about this beer. A decent inch thick head forms at the top, but fizzes away fairly quickly. A nice head that doesn’t retain very long but the lacing is beautiful, clings to the glass until your last sip is gone. Lots of piney green hops are present in the smell, almost a bit resiny but all very floral, nice citrus tones but not overwhelmingly sweet. When you drink the beer it’s got a decent medium body, but very crisp at the same time. A wise man once said: “This tastes like a bitter Pine Tree!” This beer has just the perfect carbonation as you drink this slightly sticky resin based hop masterpiece, it's just enough to have the bubbles present giving it a refreshing crisp taste, but doesn’t lighten the beer making it “some fizzy yellow beer”. A wonderful beer, very hoppy though, well balanced in the bitter department, but very noticeable, very bold in presence. Personally wouldn’t do more than one bottle in a setting as it is quite hoppy on the palate, so probably not the best session beer, but a great beer to have more than “just every now and then”.

Would I PAY for this beer? Most definitely would. For only about 5 dollars you can enjoy this hoppy goodness as regularly as you can afford 5 dollars! Who wouldn’t want that?! Screw that Starbucks you get in the morning, and save it for a Pliney in the evening,… or Afternoon … or hell morning!

Overall Rating: A-

-Ze Beer Guy

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Oak Aged Yeti 8-10-2010

Ze Beer? Oak Aged Yeti
Ze Style? Imperial Stout
Ze Maker? Great Divide Brewing Co.
Ze Content! 9.5%

Sorry for the absence in beer reviews, I have moved locations and found a new mascot to join me on my beer tasting/reviewing journeys. So what beer could I possibly review to bring in the new “location” as well as the new month? The Oak Aged Yeti Imperial Stout was the perfect beer. Now this beer was recommended to me almost a full year ago, early December to late November from my friend Robert; a fellow beer enthusiast, as well as a Stout lover. He advised if I ever had the chance, to try this beer out, and with my brothers recent wedding in Colorado last June; I took the opportunity to find this beer. Needless to say during my visit, I purchased a mix-up of regular Yeti’s, Oak-aged, and Chocolate. And through the good graces of family and friends, my case of beer found its way to Southern California within a week and in my possession within 2. Now, when do you decide to taste a beer that has been put so high on a pedestal before you’ve even tried it? It was difficult to decide, and as my boss said, there is never an event good enough to try out a save worthy beer. Well, I held out as long as I could before I began looking for events to pop it open. And alas, one of my best friends Matthew, also an avid beer lover, had just graduated with his Master’s degree. It seemed like to be as good of a time as any. So he came over, and we let the tasting begin…

The Yeti, pours a solid black color that not even the shiny lights of the gates of heaven can penetrate through. With a decent 2inch head with a dark brown color to it, this beer pours with a lot of micro bubbles giving hint towards a lot of carbonation. The head retention lasts maybe a minute or so, but the lacing on the glass is great! Even after the beer is gone, the lacing holds to the glass. A very sharp oaky barbeque scent its apparent, almost woodchippy. Definite malt presence with subtle chocolate undertones, a slight caramel booze sugar flavor; possibly a molasses. You can smell that charred smoked goodness throughout this beer, I can’t wait to try it. Tons of roasted malt flavors creamy on the texture, not so thick its syrup, but a great creamy texture that’s easily coats the mouth. This beer is great! Lots of roasted coffee flavor, slight sweet boozey taste in the middle before you get that sharp oaked hop taste on the finish. Possible dark berries, hard to pin point definitely a type of sweetness floating around though, almost belgiany, which makes me thing, fig, or dark cherry. The carbonation was surprisingly low on the feel for as many bubbles I got on the pour; I’ll blame it on the ambience of my new place. It’s definitely a sipping type beer, but one you just don’t want to stop sipping. I’m glad I bought several while in Colorado.

Would I PAY for this beer? Yes, in fact I wish I had bought more when I had the chance. Not sure if this retails out of Colorado, but when I go back. I’m buying more.

Overall Rating: A/A+

-Ze Beer Guy

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Kaiser 7-28-2010

Ze Beer? The Kaiser

Ze Style? Oktoberfest/Marzen

Ze Maker? Avery Brewing Company

Ze Content! 10.03%

So, this is my first “request” beer to review, on behalf of my Boss at work, I suppose I owe him for giving his Summer Shandy a C+. *snicker* Didn’t mind at all, seeing as it was also an Avery beer, and Avery usually does very well in the beers they brew. Hopefully, one of these days I can get out to Colorado again, to visit their brewery amongst other possible breweries in CO. This was a 2009 bottle won’t be too long til the 2010’s come in. Nice little label of who id assume is Kaiser Wilhelm wearing his “Pickelhaube,” daring you to speak poorly about this beer, so he has a reason to impale your face. Just saying, my innocent interpretation.

This beer pours a nice tan/copper color with very little head or head retention, as it fades to a thin layer of creamy bubbles. Tiny microbubbles are constantly released though carbonation isn’t too high, but clearly present. Very nice on the lacing, after my first taste, it just sticks to the glass and doesn’t even want to slide down, very sticky! On first smell, I was punched in the face with a caramel scent, very sweet, very malty; I can tell I will like this beer already. A bit of that molasses sugary scent also very present in this malted backbone of a beer, smells like a Belgian yeast presence in there as well, with a bit of dark candied spice scent. A great taste, again, lots of caramel, some nutty toffee as well. A surprising weight to this beer in a slightly syruped texture but not too glossy; as it remains light through carbonation and very smooth. That molasses definitely stands out a bit more a candied sugar taste. Would definitely suggest drinking this with some kind of food, the sweetness from the molasses and malts catch up fairly quickly, and though a great taste, does start to leave a sugary spot in your stomach after 22oz. A great beer overall, minus the slight drinkability of this beer, 1 pint at a time is just enough, too much and your stomach will be in for some hurting later.

Would I PAY for this beer? Yes, this is the epitome of a great Oktoberfest beer. Now just because it’s a great Oktoberfest beer, doesn’t mean go and drink 10 bottles of these at Oktoberfest, my god poor stomach. For its style, it’s amazing and great.

Overall Rating: A-/A

-Ze Beer Guy

Monday, July 26, 2010

Celebrator Dopplebock 7-26-2010

Ze Beer? Celebrator

Ze Style? Doppelbock

Ze Maker? Ayinger Brewery

Ze Content! 6.7%

This beer I have only had once, when I first opened my horizons to beer long ago, all I could remember was how dark and heavy it was… Throughout my career as “Ze Beer Guy” this beer has always been a classic loved brew from beer drinkers who know their beer. I always told myself I needed to revisit this beer, but never got around to doing so. I distinctly remember not wanting to, due to the fact that it was so dark and heavy which at the time, I was turned off by that style. I wish present day me could go back in time to tell past me, to nut up, and not be so chicken shit when it comes to dark beers. Though natural progression of my love for beer has steered me to the way of “The Dark Side”, loving porters and stouts the way I do now; I feel past me should not have been so ignorant and embraced “The Dark Side” so much earlier. Besides we have cookies!

On first pour, you get a little bit of head, as the head quickly fades to nothing. Perhaps I got an old bottle, because the head literally remained 15 seconds before it went away; dark in color, slight mahogany, not opaque but close to it. Right off the bat, you get a sweet scent in here, a bit sugary, but not overwhelming by any means, perhaps a molasses sweet. You get that roasted malty caramel scent in there as well, with a bit of coffee, and soft chocolate tones. A faint sweetness to be found, can’t quite put my finger on it, but a type of dark rich berry, perhaps it’s raisin I smell. When I drink this beer, all I can imagine is the glory that has been bestowed upon my taste buds. Great body, not too heavy though and definitely not light. Consistent, with that sweetness carrying through, leaving a dark chocolate bitter taste in your mouth; just enough to let you believe your drinking melted dark chocolate, but not bitter enough to make you cringe by any means. A slight boozey touch in the beer, most likely from that sugary molasses you get, almost Belgian yeasty in character. Very easy to drink, for a beer as dark as it is, I’ll admit, this beer was gone literally 5 or 6 drinks into it. It was that smooth, and that good in taste. Complex enough to boggle your mind, smooth enough to not even realize how much you’ve just drank.

Would I PAY for this beer? Yes, I’d even pay to have my closest friends drink this beer. At 3-4 dollars a 12oz bottle, this beer is quite the treat. I wish I bought two. :(

Overall Rating: SOLID A

-Ze Beer Guy

Friday, July 23, 2010

O'hara's Irish Stout 7-23-2010

Ze Beer? O’hara’s Irish Stout

Ze Style? Irish Dry Stout

Ze Maker? Carlow Brewing Company

Ze Content! 4.3%

Like most beers I come across, I got this in a Mystery box of beer from work. We started carrying this beer, around St. Patrick’s Day, 2010. Been eager to try out a new stout, I do enjoy a heavy flavor packed stout, though this one is dry, I’m hoping to replace the “Guinness” go-to stout when available. No interesting story behind this beer, just got it one day nabbed one in a mystery box, and here I am drinking it to review. Hmm, how boring… oh well… on to the taste!

A dark color from this Dry stout that when held to the light you get a bit of translucence; with a creamy tan head, but doesn’t last too long, but is evident. You definitely catch the malts in this stout, some chocolate, with a bit of that burnt coffee scent. The nose is rather coffee heavy though the charred aspect of it tails off the end, a very soft toffee like sweetness in the front of the nose. Smooth on the texture a bit thin, but that’s to be expected of a dry stout, leaves a subtle bitter chocolate taste on the back of the palate, the kind of bitter you get from eating a dark chocolate cacao bar. Easy to drink with light carbonation, nice separated flavors, but still lacking in my opinion. Much better than a Guinness by far, I just don’t know if I’m too biased to the textures and flavors of a thicker, more robust stout to enjoy this beer too much. Still a good beer, but when I think dark beers I think tons of flavor. This beer, for a stout, is just a bit too thin for my preference.

Would I PAY for this beer? Guinness is everywhere, if this stout was on tap alongside Guinness, I would definitely choose this beer. However in the 4-pack form you find it in, at about 10 dollars a 4-pack, id pass on the 4-pack. However if you are getting into stouts, and darker beers, this is a mild stout to get accustomed to before moving on to the big stouts.

Overall Rating: B-/B

-Ze Beer Guy

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Redemption Red Ale 7-22-2010

Ze Beer? Redemption Red Ale

Ze Style? Red Ale

Ze Maker? Reaper Ale

Ze Content! 6.6%

I first saw this beer around Halloween time, go figure, the label reads Reaper Ale and sports a sort of cloaked “Death” figure holding a giant scythe. I figured this was going to be a beer with no taste just another gimmick beer for the holidays, like the “Freaktoberfest” beer from Coney Island (Schmaltz brewing, which was like red coloring water). Anyways we had this for my beer tasting at work, and was instantly amazed, and turned this into one of the most popular reds we carried. At the then price of 3.49 for a bomber, it was a great brew. Again, I am not saying this beer is the best red I’ve ever had, but it’s a damned good one. And definitely easy to drink! Onto the facts…

Pouring a very solid mahogany color, the head fluffs up but dissipates very quickly leaving a solid quarter inch of head retention with noticeable but minimal to moderate lacing. A definite malty smell from this beer as all reds should have, a bit of nuttyness and a slight green hop presence. A slight bit of caramel from the roasted malts within, but a finish with subtle hops, and a slight nut brown taste, in fact id even go as far as to say that nuttiness is more of a toffee taste. Very mild for a red, not too intense but very drinkable and true to its style although lacking a little bit of body still has a good crisp taste. The floral hop taste is just enough to balance the malts up front giving it a great taste throughout. Not very many quality reds out there are decent for session drinking, They are usually more intense and bold in flavor, so if you’re looking for a nice simple true red, that’s easy to drink or share with your friends, this is definitely the one.

Would I PAY for this beer? Yes, a full bomber for less than 5 dollars for a great tasting in between beer. I wouldn’t be happy drinking this all night long, but I would definitely indulge in it for as long as I could get away with it.

Overall Rating: B/B+

-Ze Beer Guy

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Saison du Buff (New) 7-17-2010

Ze Beer? Saison du Buff

Ze Style? Saison

Ze Maker? Collaboration: Stone, Victory, Dogfish Head

Ze Content! 6.8%

I first picked up this bottle from work on a Shipping mishap. Was excited to see this in, as well with any new beer we receive, and before it was placed on the shelf I bought one to take home. The funny story about this was, as I was purchasing the beer our inventory receiver received a phone call right in front of me as I was checking out. As I was talking to the cashier about how I was excited to be one of the first to try these beers, our receiver places his fingers over his lips and says “Oh well we’ve already sold one bottle”. It seems we received the shipment 1 week before street release, and the rest of the bottles had to be hidden from the public. I realize by the time I post this blog and the date it was released (months ago) will be off, but was just something nifty about how I obtained the beer. Now I think this is Stone’s 4th or 5th collaboration, and when I got it was very excited to try it out. I’ve only had one other saison, the Saison Rue from The Breury, so let’s see what we got.

A great golden pale straw color from this beer, a slight creamy texture swirling through the glass, with a very fluffy, bubbly, sticky head that takes its time to go down. Tons of herbal aromas; smells like a garden with lots of Thyme and Rosemary, paired with rosemary and sage, mixed with loads of spices, just as the bottle suggests. When drinking this beer it completely reminds me of going into the macaroni Grill and eating their herb baked bread whilst using that olive oil dipping sauce. This is definitely a different beer and is beyond anything I’ve ever had before. It’s like drinking a homemade pizza crust! Very crisp light and enjoyable, not sure if I can withstand many of these, it’s just so different, but that’s what makes this beer so great. The piney hops are noticeable but with all the other herbal flavors, its blended in very well. Some citrus peel to this beer as well… Definitely a beer worth trying.

Would I PAY for this beer? Heck yes, if you’re looking for something different to try, this beer is great for that, they sell in single 12 oz bottles and for good reason, one beer is good enough to last your day. Refreshing and crisp, something new for the palate to enjoy, who doesn’t like a nice homemade pizza!?

Overall Rating: A-

-Ze Beer Guy

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Summer Shandy (New) 7-15-2010

Ze Beer? Summer Shandy

Ze Style? Wheat/Shandy/Radler

Ze Maker? Jacob Leinenkugel Brewing Company

Ze Content! 4.2%

The spring semester of school is over, and I can happily get back on track with doing beer reviews for my blog. Ze Beer Guy is back! Going to start the summer off with the new summer beer from Leinenkugel’s. More popular for its Sunset Wheat, that the women love to drink due to its “Fruity Pebbles” back end; the summer shandy hopes to be an interesting and fun beer. Having only tasted one other shandy before the Stigel Shandy, an Austrian beer, this style is a quiet favorite amongst Europeans. It seems the fad at European clubs, is to enjoy your beer with some Sprite/7-up in it. The Shandy style is practically that, a lager type beer mixed with a type of lemon soda/juice. My boss was gracious enough to give me a bottle of this beer to taste for, “educational purposes”. Well there is only one way to find out. Thanks Bob! Here we go.

Pouring a golden pale, yet cloudy color this beer had a fluffy head for a whopping 7 seconds. Though the lacing is quite nice, the head leaves little desire. From the nose, it smells like an unfiltered wheat beer with loads of lemon zest. A little bit of tanginess in the nose as well. Tastes like an unfiltered wheat beer with a lemon tang taste. A prickly carbonated texture gives you the feel of that lemon soda, but with a very light body, the only body you get here is a slight weight from the unfiltered wheat taste (Think Pyramid Hefe, but with Lemon zest steroids). There isn’t much malt/hops to this beer if any to be honest. But then again, it’s true to the style indicated. This beer would probably be a bit better if it was less of an unfiltered wheat texture, and more of a lighter crisp pils/lager with the lemon steroids. Not a beer id have too many of but it isn’t too bad, if it’s a hot day outside, and you want something different.

Would I PAY for this beer? I’d buy an occasional pint if I wanted something different, I mean it is enjoyable, but I think a six pack would be a bit overboard for me. Thanks for taking one for the team Bob!

Overall Rating: C+

-Ze Beer Guy

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Guinness Draught (Archived)

Ze Beer? Gunniess Draught

Ze Style? Dry Irish Stout

Ze Maker? Guinness Ltd.

Ze Content! 4.2%

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Guinness is practically the Bud light, of stouts. I think it’s funny, when you ask people what their favorite dark beer is, and for some reason, most individuals state the name; Guinness. It’s true that it is the staple dark beer, but just like Bud/Coors is the staple casual beer, Guinness ranks in the same way. Don’t get me wrong, I would much rather have a Guinness than a Bud light, but to those out there who enjoy Guinness as a stout (which is fine) there is a world of stouts out there, that are so much better. Keep following my blogs and hopefully you’ll find that stout!

Guinness pours a dark black, the nitrogenized widget inside gives it the fresh draught effect. Some may not know, but that widget makes a world of difference. It also creates this fun cascading head effect, as the stout settles and the heavy thick head forms. Guinness smells of burnt malts, a slight caramel taste and a little bit of buried chocolate in the back end, but the burnt smell gives a type of toasted charcoal taste which leaves a linger awkward bitter aftertaste in the mouth. Fairly bland, and watered down, not much going on in this beer besides that overly charcoaled taste. Easy to drink, with a nice creamyness to it; but all in all, don’t taste a Guinness and put it in the same field as the rest of stouts. Trust me, there are betters out there.

Would I drink this beer again? If it was offered to me I would drink Guinness again, but I wouldn’t go out of my way to pick it up.

Overall Rating: C-

-Ze Beer Guy

Monday, May 10, 2010

Indica I.P.A. (New) 5-10-2010

Ze Beer? Indica

Ze Style? I.P.A.

Ze Maker? Lost Coast Brewery

Ze Content! ABV: 6.5%

Lost Coast Brewery is a fairly popular brewery in California, near the Humboldt area. More popularly known for its Downtown Brown and Great White ales; they do make plenty of other great brews. I do like a great I.P.A., and finding a good one can be difficult, I.P.A.’s tend to be more on the bitter side, with the amount of hops used, this also tends to increase the ABV just a bit. I’m sure I’ll be reviewing plenty of I.P.A.’s so for my first one, here we go.

This beer is a pours with a great amber golden haze color, and pours with fluffy head, with lots of lacing. Not as crisp for an I.P.A., however, great on the piney hop scent, with a slight sticky resin hop taste. A small bit of grape-fruity flavors give it a slight citrus sweetness, to help balance out the bitter hops. A bit of a creamy mouth-feel rather than the typical crisp I.P.A. taste, this actually is quite refreshing though not so traditional. All in all, a great any time I.P.A. great hop taste without the heavy bitter aftertaste.

Would I drink this beer again? Yea, this is a great I.P.A. if you want that hoppy flavor but aren’t looking for that buzz, that an I.P.A. tends to bring after a couple.

Overall Rating: B/B+

-Ze Beer Guy

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Session Black (New) 4-28-2010

Ze Beer? Session Black

Ze Style? Schwarzbier

Ze Maker? Full Sail Brewing Company

Ze Content! ABV: 5.4%

Well, this is it, my official first “new” review. I came across this beer at work, have had it sitting around my room for some time now, and ill admit this isn’t going to be the first time I’ve had this beer. Almost 2 months ago, I tasted this beer at my weekly beer tasting, as an inventory mis-ship. It wasn’t normally something we carried, so it was my attempt to get it through the system as if never having it in our inventory. Kill two birds with one stone right? Get the product you don’t carry out, and a new beer to try at tasting! Needless to say this beer was an easy hit, and well now we carry it full time.

This beer pours a very dark brown with little head retention but decent. For a darker beer, it is very light and easy to drink; aromas and scents of soft chocolate, some nuttyness and roasted malt to give it just a very soft hint of caramel. Very little lacing to it but then again that would explain the light mouthfeel to this beer. A bit of coffee lingers on in the back end almost like a coffee you put into the fridge to cool off. Very drinkable with enough flavors of a porter, but having a light crisp texture makes it easy to throw back. I drank this beer at room temperature to try and bring out the flavors, chilling it would only bring more of a crisp feel to the beer.

Would I drink this beer again? Definitely, the name says it all, it's a great session beer, unfortunately it seems to only come in 12-pack, so that impacts the decision when picking a beer.

Overall Rating: B+
-Ze Beer Guy

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Who am I and what is Beer?

Hello, My name is Derrin or more commonly known as "Ze Beer Guy". This blog is a side project i will be doing for fun on my free time. So a quick intro of myself?

I go to school full time majoring in the wonderful field of sciences, i work in the Beverage industry, with a proficient background in Beer, wine and spirits; though i specialize in the category of ze beer. I have been working in this industry for over 3 years now, and host have been hosting a popular weekly beer tasting that has started as a simple 5-7 attendees a week, to now a still growing average of 40 individuals plus! With well over 100 individual's subscribed to my weekly newsletter through work, combined with the popularity of my tastings; I have decided i would try to blog my personal beer reviews and any stories that may come along with it.

The proceedings are my personal reflections, reviews, tastes, likes and dislikes when it comes to beer, bars, and things related. Beer has become a secondary passion to myself. I do not see beer as a quick and easy way to get drunk and act a fool, but instead, i enjoy and treat each beer worthy in the way it deserves. Just like one would review a wine, i review beers in the same fashion.

So follow along, enjoy my blogs, hate my blogs, comment do whatever it is you blog readers do... Though i have tasted well over 100 different beers in my time, i will try to review beers i personally deem worth it (or in some cases if i can't think of a beer to pick a random "classic"), but do not expect to read reviews of Bud Light to Coors light, etc. I will gladly take requests if you email it to me and given the availability of that beer in Southern California.

Derrin Jung
a.k.a. Ze Beer Guy