Friday, July 23, 2010

O'hara's Irish Stout 7-23-2010

Ze Beer? O’hara’s Irish Stout

Ze Style? Irish Dry Stout

Ze Maker? Carlow Brewing Company

Ze Content! 4.3%

Like most beers I come across, I got this in a Mystery box of beer from work. We started carrying this beer, around St. Patrick’s Day, 2010. Been eager to try out a new stout, I do enjoy a heavy flavor packed stout, though this one is dry, I’m hoping to replace the “Guinness” go-to stout when available. No interesting story behind this beer, just got it one day nabbed one in a mystery box, and here I am drinking it to review. Hmm, how boring… oh well… on to the taste!

A dark color from this Dry stout that when held to the light you get a bit of translucence; with a creamy tan head, but doesn’t last too long, but is evident. You definitely catch the malts in this stout, some chocolate, with a bit of that burnt coffee scent. The nose is rather coffee heavy though the charred aspect of it tails off the end, a very soft toffee like sweetness in the front of the nose. Smooth on the texture a bit thin, but that’s to be expected of a dry stout, leaves a subtle bitter chocolate taste on the back of the palate, the kind of bitter you get from eating a dark chocolate cacao bar. Easy to drink with light carbonation, nice separated flavors, but still lacking in my opinion. Much better than a Guinness by far, I just don’t know if I’m too biased to the textures and flavors of a thicker, more robust stout to enjoy this beer too much. Still a good beer, but when I think dark beers I think tons of flavor. This beer, for a stout, is just a bit too thin for my preference.

Would I PAY for this beer? Guinness is everywhere, if this stout was on tap alongside Guinness, I would definitely choose this beer. However in the 4-pack form you find it in, at about 10 dollars a 4-pack, id pass on the 4-pack. However if you are getting into stouts, and darker beers, this is a mild stout to get accustomed to before moving on to the big stouts.

Overall Rating: B-/B

-Ze Beer Guy

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