Grade Scale!

As you read through my blogs, you may wonder how i come up with the grade given to each beer. Just like school, i have adapted the basic A-F template

A+: You need to try this beer; if you can find it, buy it. Quality beer typically comes at a steep price, but an A+ beer is well worth at the very least, a one time investment. Sometimes the complexity alone is worth the price, however i will admit, sometimes a beer is so complex some people just stop appreciating them. Read the A+ reviews carefully, when drinking before you choose to buy.

A: Excellent, a great beer to buy and should definitely be tried. "A" beers are great examples of it's style of beer, and usually has clearly defined flavors.

A-: An awesome beer, and deserves to be tried at least once, one way or another. Not all local stores may carry them, so keep an eye out at your bars, restaurants or friends refrigerators.

B+: Quite the tasty beer, high drinkability, a great session type beer. A Good quality pick up when going to a party or having friends over. Can usually drink this beer any time of the year.

B: An overall great beer, should try out when you have the chance,better than average, yet nothing fantastic at the same time.

B-: A beer you should try if given the opportunity, but is no major loss if you never get to try it in your lifetime.

C+: An average beer with a bit more flavor than a common anywhere beer. I wouldn't say not to buy this beer, but chances are, you can find better.

C: It's a beer, decent, and better than a bud light, but wouldn't go out of the way to find it, probably because you can find it at any local store. Not bad by any means, but nothing screams "Buy me!"

C-: This beer has some flavor, may not be the flavor your looking for, but it's still a beer with flavor. I wouldn't go as far to turn you away from a C- beer, but i would definitely recommend something better.

D: You ever hear the phrase... "Your face, your ass; what's the difference?"... yea.. that.

F: Pass me the Bud light, because id rather drink that over an F beer.