Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Zipfer 12-21-2010

Ze Beer? Zipfer
Ze Style? Heller (European Lager)
Ze Maker? Brauerei Zipf
Ze Content! 5.4%
Serving Type: 22 oz Bomber

So, this beer was purchased for me from my wonderful boss at work. It was a Birthday gift, and it was a new delivery, and seeing as he enjoys the idea of these blogs I’m doing, decided he’d help out with a beer, id probably never buy. The “Fat Michelob” we call it, and by the picture you can see why. This has just been sitting in the fridge for a couple of months, so it was time to break it out and blog. I would have drank it much sooner, but now I have conflicts. It’s dinner time and I want to drink you, but because you are my only bottle, do I have time to blog you?. Oh the days of Sad Panda are amongst us. Alright Bob, let’s have a crack at this fatty Michelob.

At the pour, you can immediately smell all that malt, pale malts everywhere. A very clear golden yellow color from this beer, a nice fluffy head that lasts a good while before completely gone, leaving nice micro-bubbles latched to the sides of the glass. Lots of pale malt on the nose, with some grain going on. Surprisingly the bubbles do nothing to the carbonation as the beer tastes rather flat; again, emphasis on, “Pale EVERYWHERE”. This beer has a nice creamy texture, but combined with the amount of pale going on, almost leave an awkward texture in your mouth. Not much for flavor in this beer, other than the pale malt going on. I mean if you like a good pale lager, this beer is definitely great, but it’s a bit much for my liking, I much prefer a pale ale. All you can really get out of this beer is the amount of malted grain used. If it weren’t for that creamy texture this beer would be a lot more drinkable. As someone who doesn’t care for many lagers I would rate this beer much lower than I will, but being the kind “attempted” unbiased person I am. I’ll be nicer.

Would I PAY for this beer? No, not for myself, it’s a decent beer, and I know a few people who would love it; but this style just isn’t for me.

Overall Rating: C

-Ze Beer Guy

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