Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Session Black (New) 4-28-2010

Ze Beer? Session Black

Ze Style? Schwarzbier

Ze Maker? Full Sail Brewing Company

Ze Content! ABV: 5.4%

Well, this is it, my official first “new” review. I came across this beer at work, have had it sitting around my room for some time now, and ill admit this isn’t going to be the first time I’ve had this beer. Almost 2 months ago, I tasted this beer at my weekly beer tasting, as an inventory mis-ship. It wasn’t normally something we carried, so it was my attempt to get it through the system as if never having it in our inventory. Kill two birds with one stone right? Get the product you don’t carry out, and a new beer to try at tasting! Needless to say this beer was an easy hit, and well now we carry it full time.

This beer pours a very dark brown with little head retention but decent. For a darker beer, it is very light and easy to drink; aromas and scents of soft chocolate, some nuttyness and roasted malt to give it just a very soft hint of caramel. Very little lacing to it but then again that would explain the light mouthfeel to this beer. A bit of coffee lingers on in the back end almost like a coffee you put into the fridge to cool off. Very drinkable with enough flavors of a porter, but having a light crisp texture makes it easy to throw back. I drank this beer at room temperature to try and bring out the flavors, chilling it would only bring more of a crisp feel to the beer.

Would I drink this beer again? Definitely, the name says it all, it's a great session beer, unfortunately it seems to only come in 12-pack, so that impacts the decision when picking a beer.

Overall Rating: B+
-Ze Beer Guy

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like a very tasty beer! I think I'm going to give this a try if I can get my hands on it. A 12 pack is just fine with me because if I like a beer, then it's worth drinking again! BTW, isn't Full Sail a school? I guess if college folks are gonna drink, might as well profit from it right? :D
