Thursday, July 22, 2010

Redemption Red Ale 7-22-2010

Ze Beer? Redemption Red Ale

Ze Style? Red Ale

Ze Maker? Reaper Ale

Ze Content! 6.6%

I first saw this beer around Halloween time, go figure, the label reads Reaper Ale and sports a sort of cloaked “Death” figure holding a giant scythe. I figured this was going to be a beer with no taste just another gimmick beer for the holidays, like the “Freaktoberfest” beer from Coney Island (Schmaltz brewing, which was like red coloring water). Anyways we had this for my beer tasting at work, and was instantly amazed, and turned this into one of the most popular reds we carried. At the then price of 3.49 for a bomber, it was a great brew. Again, I am not saying this beer is the best red I’ve ever had, but it’s a damned good one. And definitely easy to drink! Onto the facts…

Pouring a very solid mahogany color, the head fluffs up but dissipates very quickly leaving a solid quarter inch of head retention with noticeable but minimal to moderate lacing. A definite malty smell from this beer as all reds should have, a bit of nuttyness and a slight green hop presence. A slight bit of caramel from the roasted malts within, but a finish with subtle hops, and a slight nut brown taste, in fact id even go as far as to say that nuttiness is more of a toffee taste. Very mild for a red, not too intense but very drinkable and true to its style although lacking a little bit of body still has a good crisp taste. The floral hop taste is just enough to balance the malts up front giving it a great taste throughout. Not very many quality reds out there are decent for session drinking, They are usually more intense and bold in flavor, so if you’re looking for a nice simple true red, that’s easy to drink or share with your friends, this is definitely the one.

Would I PAY for this beer? Yes, a full bomber for less than 5 dollars for a great tasting in between beer. I wouldn’t be happy drinking this all night long, but I would definitely indulge in it for as long as I could get away with it.

Overall Rating: B/B+

-Ze Beer Guy

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