Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Kaiser 7-28-2010

Ze Beer? The Kaiser

Ze Style? Oktoberfest/Marzen

Ze Maker? Avery Brewing Company

Ze Content! 10.03%

So, this is my first “request” beer to review, on behalf of my Boss at work, I suppose I owe him for giving his Summer Shandy a C+. *snicker* Didn’t mind at all, seeing as it was also an Avery beer, and Avery usually does very well in the beers they brew. Hopefully, one of these days I can get out to Colorado again, to visit their brewery amongst other possible breweries in CO. This was a 2009 bottle won’t be too long til the 2010’s come in. Nice little label of who id assume is Kaiser Wilhelm wearing his “Pickelhaube,” daring you to speak poorly about this beer, so he has a reason to impale your face. Just saying, my innocent interpretation.

This beer pours a nice tan/copper color with very little head or head retention, as it fades to a thin layer of creamy bubbles. Tiny microbubbles are constantly released though carbonation isn’t too high, but clearly present. Very nice on the lacing, after my first taste, it just sticks to the glass and doesn’t even want to slide down, very sticky! On first smell, I was punched in the face with a caramel scent, very sweet, very malty; I can tell I will like this beer already. A bit of that molasses sugary scent also very present in this malted backbone of a beer, smells like a Belgian yeast presence in there as well, with a bit of dark candied spice scent. A great taste, again, lots of caramel, some nutty toffee as well. A surprising weight to this beer in a slightly syruped texture but not too glossy; as it remains light through carbonation and very smooth. That molasses definitely stands out a bit more a candied sugar taste. Would definitely suggest drinking this with some kind of food, the sweetness from the molasses and malts catch up fairly quickly, and though a great taste, does start to leave a sugary spot in your stomach after 22oz. A great beer overall, minus the slight drinkability of this beer, 1 pint at a time is just enough, too much and your stomach will be in for some hurting later.

Would I PAY for this beer? Yes, this is the epitome of a great Oktoberfest beer. Now just because it’s a great Oktoberfest beer, doesn’t mean go and drink 10 bottles of these at Oktoberfest, my god poor stomach. For its style, it’s amazing and great.

Overall Rating: A-/A

-Ze Beer Guy

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