Monday, October 11, 2010

Moose Drool 10-11-2010

Ze Beer? Moose Drool
Ze Style? Brown Ale
Ze Maker? Big Sky Brewing Co.
Ze Content! 5.1%

So October has begun, and I am now officially making my blog public, which means I will do my best to maintain and update this blog as often as possible. Let’s see how this goes! I first turned to Moose Drool when expanding my beer horizons beyond that of a Newcastle. Newcastle will always have a special place in my heart as a beer that is just decent to drink for an anytime beer. This one just caught my attention because well… the label is that of a Moose… Drooling. C’mon. I see people buying this beer often enough to feel confident that I wouldn’t be immediately let down, but as I see it there is only one way to try out a new beer. Drink it. Let’s do it.

Moose Drool pours a nice mahogany color into your glass, Not much head to it, and little retention, but that may have to do with I’ve had this bottle for some time as well. I tend to save bottles, more than I need to. A great nutty nose from this brown ale, a soft bit of caramel maltiness, with a subtle dark chocolate bitterness to the finish makes this beer very nice. Lots of fresh nuts, and a tad bit of coffee fill your nose just about borderline porter style this brown is a bit heavier than the common Newcastle. When you drink this beer, it is definitely a nice refreshing take on what a darker beer may hint to. Surprisingly lighter in body than one would expect from a beer this dark, still has a decent weight, and a nice taste, very drinkable for the color of this beer. It can be a bit sweet, good for a few beers especially with dinner, but stand alone, possibly not the best idea.

Would I PAY for this beer? On occasion the mood strikes for a decent nutty brown ale, usually for me when it hits, I just go for a porter. If you haven’t had this beer, but enjoy its style… pick one up. Or like me, wait for someone else to buy it then gladly call dibs. :)

Overall Rating: C+

-Ze Beer Guy

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