Monday, September 13, 2010

Pliney the Elder 9-13-2010

Ze Beer? Pliney the Elder
Ze Style? American Double IPA
Ze Maker? Russian River
Ze Content! 8%

So, I’ve had this bottle sitting in my fridge longer than id care to truly admit. However this was a gift from Robert Jones, a good beer loving friend of mine. It was supposed to be my first Pliney! And technically was, at the time of gift giving; but before I had gotten around to the bottle I have had the beer a few other times. It’s the thought that counts right? Needless to say, I finally got around to opening this bottle. I almost didn’t want to, it was my only bottle, what was I to do after it was gone? Technically I keep the empty bottle in the fridge so when I open it to look at the variety, my eyes see a Pliney, and my mind can be at ease. So enough with the jibba jabba, let’s get on with the tasting!

The moment you open the bottle, you can smell the citrus from the beer, the fresh clean flavor, a beautiful golden orange color about this beer. A decent inch thick head forms at the top, but fizzes away fairly quickly. A nice head that doesn’t retain very long but the lacing is beautiful, clings to the glass until your last sip is gone. Lots of piney green hops are present in the smell, almost a bit resiny but all very floral, nice citrus tones but not overwhelmingly sweet. When you drink the beer it’s got a decent medium body, but very crisp at the same time. A wise man once said: “This tastes like a bitter Pine Tree!” This beer has just the perfect carbonation as you drink this slightly sticky resin based hop masterpiece, it's just enough to have the bubbles present giving it a refreshing crisp taste, but doesn’t lighten the beer making it “some fizzy yellow beer”. A wonderful beer, very hoppy though, well balanced in the bitter department, but very noticeable, very bold in presence. Personally wouldn’t do more than one bottle in a setting as it is quite hoppy on the palate, so probably not the best session beer, but a great beer to have more than “just every now and then”.

Would I PAY for this beer? Most definitely would. For only about 5 dollars you can enjoy this hoppy goodness as regularly as you can afford 5 dollars! Who wouldn’t want that?! Screw that Starbucks you get in the morning, and save it for a Pliney in the evening,… or Afternoon … or hell morning!

Overall Rating: A-

-Ze Beer Guy

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