Monday, July 26, 2010

Celebrator Dopplebock 7-26-2010

Ze Beer? Celebrator

Ze Style? Doppelbock

Ze Maker? Ayinger Brewery

Ze Content! 6.7%

This beer I have only had once, when I first opened my horizons to beer long ago, all I could remember was how dark and heavy it was… Throughout my career as “Ze Beer Guy” this beer has always been a classic loved brew from beer drinkers who know their beer. I always told myself I needed to revisit this beer, but never got around to doing so. I distinctly remember not wanting to, due to the fact that it was so dark and heavy which at the time, I was turned off by that style. I wish present day me could go back in time to tell past me, to nut up, and not be so chicken shit when it comes to dark beers. Though natural progression of my love for beer has steered me to the way of “The Dark Side”, loving porters and stouts the way I do now; I feel past me should not have been so ignorant and embraced “The Dark Side” so much earlier. Besides we have cookies!

On first pour, you get a little bit of head, as the head quickly fades to nothing. Perhaps I got an old bottle, because the head literally remained 15 seconds before it went away; dark in color, slight mahogany, not opaque but close to it. Right off the bat, you get a sweet scent in here, a bit sugary, but not overwhelming by any means, perhaps a molasses sweet. You get that roasted malty caramel scent in there as well, with a bit of coffee, and soft chocolate tones. A faint sweetness to be found, can’t quite put my finger on it, but a type of dark rich berry, perhaps it’s raisin I smell. When I drink this beer, all I can imagine is the glory that has been bestowed upon my taste buds. Great body, not too heavy though and definitely not light. Consistent, with that sweetness carrying through, leaving a dark chocolate bitter taste in your mouth; just enough to let you believe your drinking melted dark chocolate, but not bitter enough to make you cringe by any means. A slight boozey touch in the beer, most likely from that sugary molasses you get, almost Belgian yeasty in character. Very easy to drink, for a beer as dark as it is, I’ll admit, this beer was gone literally 5 or 6 drinks into it. It was that smooth, and that good in taste. Complex enough to boggle your mind, smooth enough to not even realize how much you’ve just drank.

Would I PAY for this beer? Yes, I’d even pay to have my closest friends drink this beer. At 3-4 dollars a 12oz bottle, this beer is quite the treat. I wish I bought two. :(

Overall Rating: SOLID A

-Ze Beer Guy

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