Friday, April 29, 2011

Aecht Schlenferla Rauchbier 4-29-2011

Ze Beer? Aecht Schlenferla Rauchbier
Ze Style? Rauchbier
Ze Maker? Brauerri Heller-Trum / Schlenkerla
Ze Content! 5.4%
Serving type: 16oz bottle

Hello everyone, another blog to add to the month, of April, picked out by a co-worker, Virginia Valenzuela. We had just returned from a Wine Tasting for work, and I decided, what a good way to finish a few hours of wine tasting, then to add a beer as the finale! I asked her to pick my beer, seeing as I’ve had most beers at work, and tend to gravitate towards beers I enjoy and would rather prefer, this way, by asking a third party to help select a random beer, I have a non direct way of picking beers not normally selected by the general populace. Here’s to being random, here’s to fun co-workers, here’s to beer! Cheers!

The moment you open this bottle, the aroma has a light malt nose but then is quickly overwhelmed with a smoke heavy scent. This beer pours a dark amber color, with a slight red hue with a nice thick fluffy head. Though the head was nice, it didn’t retain very well; but instead cascaded away to a very thin layer of carbonation. Tons of smokey aroma, absolutely full of it, almost like a chunk of firewood is toasting on a bonfire. I have to admit, the strong smoked wood is actually quite nice, and the malts in this beer compliment them. Very smooth, a very easy subtle hop presence on the back end, almost hard to pick up through the hickory bacon-esque flavor. Not much carbonation in this beer, but not much is needed. Very nice beer, but after a couple, the smoke filled flavor may be too much, seeing as it does leave a type of salted pork after taste, I know unusual, but yummy!

Would I PAY for this beer? At 6 dollars a pint, buying this beer isn’t much more than paying for a pint of beer at a pub. Definitely worth the one time try, but I can easily see why this beer isn’t going to be the beer for just anyone. I suggest trying it at least once, if not tasty, it’s fun! Mmmm Liquid Smoked bacon!

Overall Rating: B+

-Ze Beer Guy

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