Saturday, April 16, 2011

Tilted Smile 4-16-2011

Ze Beer? Tilted Smile
Ze Style? Imperial Pilsner
Ze Maker? Uinta Brewing Company
Ze Content! 9.0%
Serving type: 22oz bottle

This bottle was purchased for me by my girlfriend for our 4 year anniversary. Went to the store, and the woman’s smile on the bottle caught her eye; alas, it was chosen. I’ve actually never had an Imperial Pilsner before, so I was a little excited, but never hearing this brewery before too made me a bit apprehensive; more about the taste though, not the selection. That is what this blog is about! Trying new things, something you’d never find yourself buying. And hopefully craft selections you love. All in all, I think this was a great choice made by my girlfriend; here’s to 4 years of love, and a new style of beer!

Beer pours a very tan brown color, very copper; lots of fluffy head with decent retention and surprisingly nice lacing. Can definitely pick up on the pale yeast but it’s not overwhelming on the nose, which is nice. Lots of bread for malts with just a touch of citrus lingering on the back end, also with the longer the more the citrus tones come out. The beer is nice and creamy on the texture which was surprising, I guess that’s what you expect out of an “Imperial” Pilsner. A little bit of that straw taste lingers on the finish, but not bad overall, nothing too exciting either but not bad. Perhaps a small tart of green apple right off the front end before the bread malts power through. It’s a little heavy for a session beer, all that creaminess translates to, one bomber is enough. At the end of the bottle, the 9.0% abv catches up too which is nice, seeing as you don’t have an ethanol finish.

Would I PAY for this beer? For 10 dollars a bomber, I’d pass. Nothing screams out to buy… if it were a decent price on tap somewhere, maybe… but the mood would have to strike me before drinking something so bread malted.

Overall Rating: C/C+

-Ze Beer Guy

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