Saturday, February 19, 2011

Lucky Bastard Ale 2-19-2011

Ze Beer? Lucky Bastard

Ze Style? American Strong

Ze Maker? Stone Brewing

Ze Content! 8.5%
Serving type: 22oz bottle

I’ve had this bottle laying around for about a month and a half, waiting for the right moment to drink. Before I opened this bottle I was going to blog on an American Stout, a stout which I’ve had before, and enjoyed. But when I smelled and drank this stout, it was nothing like I remembered. My beer went bad, and it was my fault, I had it lying around for about 6 months before drinking. Some beers just weren’t made for aging. So I thought to myself, Holy Crap! I have a bunch of bottles that may be just as old or older, I guess that’s what you get for trying to prolong the life of a beer, just by “waiting” So what beer did I go for first? Lucky Bastard, Oh yea… didn’t want this one going bad, let’s enjoy…

This beer poured a very solid and consistent deep amber color, with a decent 2 inch fluffy head. Retention was nice at about a minute and a half to two minutes as it left wonderful lacing around the glass. A fresh hop smell, very piney with a citrus grapefruit rind hint; smells a bit oily but heavy on the hops. A wonderful sticky resiny taste as the grapefruit sweetness hits your mouth, right before the bitter hops clean it up. Incredibly smooth on the palate, not to overwhelming on the hops, but still very present throughout this beer. The malty sweetness is surprising up front, backed up with the citrus sweetness, very nice and easy to drink for the standard hop head I’d say. But for those not accustomed to copious amounts of hops, it may be a bit much. The finish has a slight but hidden ethanol taste but the oaked quality of this beer is very nice. I do wish I had more of this lovely liquid, but I do believe this was a one-time deal, for shame.

Would I PAY for this beer? Hells yes, I would. But unfortunately as I mentioned above, I don’t think it’ll be coming back. Maybe a later anniversary? One can only hope.

Overall Rating: A

-Ze Beer Guy

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