Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Twilight 03-16-2011

Ze Beer? Twilight
Ze Style? American Pale Ale
Ze Maker? Deschutes Brewery
Ze Content! 5.0%
Serving type: bottle

Picked this bottle up at work by itself when we were practically forced to sell them individually, due to the fact that instead of a case of 6-packs, we received a case of loose bottles, apparently it is much too hard to trade them with your vendor for the proper item. Although this beer is an summer ale, but since we couldn’t sell it as we were trying to trade the beers for 6 packs, it has lasted this long in the store, and since we have recently started selling single 12 oz bottles I picked it up. Deschutes makes one of my favorite beers, The Abyss, I have yet to be let down by a Deschutes beer… lets see how this summer ale holds up.

This beer pours a subtle orange amber color with a decent head but doesn’t last very long. You can smell the pale malts on this beer along with a soft orange hint as well. The hop scent is present but not at all overwhelming, but the more I smell this beer the more the orange scent is apparent. Very simple in taste, very bready, like a traditional orange wheat beer, but instead of the heavy wheat, you have bready malts. Nothing spectacular about this beer, but its decent and very easy to drink, in fact I wish my gf was here as I tasted this, she may like it, seeing as she likes that orange coated flavor taste. The beer itself is easy to drink, however, this beer is missing a certain ‘punch’ to truly make it stand out. Its decent, but not much beyond that.

Would I PAY for this beer? Maybe for a one time pint, to mix things up, but I wouldn’t go out of my way to ensure I had this beer. Not bad, Deschutes still has a flawless record, just not something I would personally enjoy over and over again.

Overall Rating: C

-Ze Beer Guy

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