Sunday, January 23, 2011

Pangaea 1-23-2011

Ze Beer? Pangaea
Ze Style? Belgian Strong Ale
Ze Maker? Dogfish Head
Ze Content! 7.0%
Serving type: 750ml Bottle

So, I know it’s near the end of January, and this is my first blog of the month. There went my resolution right? I’ll make a comeback you just wait and see. My resolution was to kick this site, and my beer passion into the next gear… New Glassware, better styles, more limited release beers to review, etc... So this beer I let my girlfriend choose, as well as the glass I would buy for my “Belgian-style” possibly even my imperials etc, though I wanted something simple, less labels so the beer could be seen easier through the glass; the allure of “pink elephants” was too much for my girlfriend to handle. Alas, a Delirium Tremens glass it was. Moving on, Pangaea from Dogfish Head was the bottle she chose for me. I’ve had standard bottles of the 60/90 ipa’s, palo santo, punkin, midas touch and aprihop; but nothing really from the “limited” release bottles that are typically harder to get. This is a fall seasonal bottle that is brewed from ingredients from every continent on Earth. Not only is the concept unique, the bottle can age as well. Let’s see what it’s got.

This beer pours a very clean copperish amber color with a very fluffy head with nice retention. Smell tons of Belgian yeast throughout the beer, very noticeable. Some sweet malts and a decent but not overwhelming amount of spices; very smooth and mellow on the taste, I was expecting something heavier, but I like that it’s this mellow and soft. Light body, medium carbonation bottle indicates brewed with crystallized ginger; I can taste the ginger, however, not much ginger presence. Personally I don’t care for much ginger in anything, but the fact that it was just a trace amount, made this quite tasty. It’s a bit too similar to a Belgian or German ale, it takes away from the uniqueness of the beer. Very easy to drink, and not too expensive makes this beer very nice. Easy to drink very smooth just nothing too unique about this “unique” beer.

Would I PAY for this beer? For a reasonable price yes, but not too often. It just tastes too much like any other Belgian or german ale.

Overall Rating: B

-Ze Beer Guy

1 comment:

  1. I love ginger myself and would love a beer that would that would give me that more orient taste. Possibly with an Orange or citrus taste.
