Friday, August 12, 2011

Magic Hat #9 8-12-2011

Ze Beer? #9
Ze Style? “Not Quite Pale Ale”
Ze Maker? Magic Hat Brewing
Ze Content! 5.1%
Serving type: 22oz

So I have heard good things from Magic Hat Brewing, and I think I was lucky enough to get this ordered into my store when I talked to the Boston Beer Rep. Lots of the East Coast craft breweries don’t make it west of the Mississippi, and I thought this was one of them. So when I had the opportunity to order it I jumped at the possibility. Reasonable priced just had to wait for it to show up, fast forward a week later and it was in stock. My boss bought one up first to try it, and after drinking right after the Theobroma from Dogfish Head, he mind was all confused on what to think of this beer. He made it seem like whoa the magic behind this beer is… mystifying, so in an effort to get me to buy/drink/blog this beer, my boss was kind enough to by me a bottle since he knows how much I make and how poor I truly am. Thanks Bob. I mean this both sincerely and sarcastically. Moving on, I was excited to try this beer, hopes up high… let’s see what “Magic” this beer will bring.

This beer poured a very murky brown color, almost as if an unfiltered beer, with a substantial head that lingered on for a while, though leaving minimal lacing behind. Upon the pour of this beer I got tons of sweet fruity tones. This confused me at first as I was expecting something along the lines of a Pale Ale, but when taking my time to examine the scent; I picked off apricots, and maybe a bit of strawberry. I turned to beer advocate for more info once the confusion hit me, and it appears that this beer under BA is labeled as a “Fruit/Vegetable” beer. Then it made more sense. Now my mind was changed from rating a very crappy Pale Ale, to just drinking a mildly annoying and possibly crappy Fruit Ale. As you can see my love for fruit beer shines, and I am even shinier for this beer, as it deceived me. The taste as the smell pre determined was sweet. Now it wasn’t knock you on your face sweet, but it was sweet enough. Again apricots, orange pulp, wheat, bready malts; think of a awkwardly flavorful Apricot Wheat from Pyramid. (I’d actually prefer a Pyramid I think) The texture was a bit odd on the palate, not what I expected before opening the bottle but pretty dead on from the initial pour. I like to keep my juice separated from my beer, I had a hard time drinking down one bomber, let alone even thinking about drinking two. Quick someone find me an IPA to chase this beer with.

Would I PAY for this beer? Yes and no. It’s that affordable beer I would easily buy for someone else. But for myself, fruit beer? I would have to pass. Very few fruit beers out there I would drink and buy. I’ll admit sometimes I want something different, and ill buy something sweet. Just not this beer.

Overall Rating: C-

-Ze Beer Guy

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