Thursday, March 17, 2011

Dragoons 3-17-2011

Ze Beer? Dragoon’s
Ze Style? Dry Irish Stout
Ze Maker? Moylan’s Brewing
Ze Content! 5.0%
Serving type: 22oz bottle

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Right?! How many of you had a Guinness today? That’s right, you did. Don’t lie. Now how many of you actually enjoyed that Guinness the same way you’d enjoy your standard craft beer? And having Guinness in an Irish Car Bomb, does not count. Well, Guinness is a Dry Irish Stout, and I stand by my word, when I call it the bud light of stouts. I don’t care much for Dry Irish style stouts, as I much prefer a hearty Stout, dinner in a bottle, Mmmmm. But I direct your attention to Moylan’s Dragoon’s, the same style as your comforted Guinness, but a much better taste. Don’t get me wrong, I love to drink a Guinness every now and then, but try this beer out. I first had it a couple of years ago, and ever since, I recommend this beer as an alternate to Guinness. People have been thanking me for introducing them to this beer instead for years. I challenge you, try this beer side by side with a bottled Guinness; unless you’re a diehard Guinness fan, you won’t be disappointed.
Disclaimer: This challenge is void if you’re in Ireland drinking a fresh Guinness… That’s cheating.

Dragoon’s pours a solid black color and leaves a nice 2-inch head but doesn’t retain very long. Almost no lacing to the glass, but this is expected of a Dry Irish Stout, as opposed to the creamy Imperial Stout styles. Tons of roasted malt radiates from this beer; coffee, freshly brewed coffee, is what you smell. A subtle hint of caramel from the malts are present, If you’ve ever had a caramel macchiato from Starbucks, this is what that beer smells like. Dry Irish Stout’s aren’t my favorite of stouts but they are very drinkable, however, compared to a Guinness, this Dry Irish is definitely better. Still gives a bit of that metallic taste, but this has almost none of that burnt charcoal taste Guinness is known for. Still has a bit of bitterness with maybe just a touch of chocolate. Very easy to drink, it amazes me when people say Dry Irish stouts are too heavy, when they are the lightest of stouts. To each their own in any case.

Would I PAY for this beer? Yes, for 3.99, you cant go wrong. If it was more than that or a smaller bottle, I may have a hard time wanting to buy this. As long as the price point remains the same, I don’t mind paying for it.

Overall Rating: B-

-Ze Beer Guy

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