Friday, December 17, 2010

Pumpkin Ale 12-17-2010

Ze Beer? Buffalo Bill’s Pumpkin Ale
Ze Style? Pumpkin Ale
Ze Maker? Buffalo Bill’s Brewery
Ze Content! 5.2% abv

Oh Pumpkin Ales, what can I say about thee. I am not a fan, to me there is only one type of pumpkin flavored anything, and that it comes in a roll. Every year my mom makes this wonderfully Pumpkin Roll, I look forward to it every year, I was in fact nervous I wouldn’t be able to have any this year… but alas, she came through and made it. I even got to take home the leftovers, but someone ate the rest before I had a chance *sad panda*, Oh well always next year. Of all the Pumpkin Ales I have tried this Pumpkin Ale is the easiest for me to drink? Why? Probably because its more spice than pumpkin. If I had to CHOOSE a Pumpkin Ale, it would definitely be this one. So, it’s the holiday season, and as the temperature drops why not send it away with a Pumpkin Ale. Huzzah!

This beer poured a light slightly hazed orange color, good carbonation and a good initial head, but the retention was not there, the head fizzled away in less than a minute. The initial smell is great with loads of spices coming off even before getting close to the glass, but that’s about all you smell. That fall time cinnamon-y and nutmeged cloved scent. Tons of pumpkin spices on the palate when you drink this beer, though the actual pumpkin taste is very light and mild, hard to pick up. Maybe this is why I can actually stand this Pumpkin Ale. Would have expected more from the taste due to the nose of this beer being so strong but it falls short of a full bodied and flavored Pumpkin Ale. It’s easy to drink but the spices do catch up to me and it becomes a bit too sweet with the malts. Would still prefer this Pumpkin Ale to others, but I think it’s because the pumpkin flavor isn’t too strong in this case.

Would I PAY for this beer? No, I do not like Pumpkin Ale, I do not like them in your house, I do not like them with a mouse. I do not like the taste of Pumpkin , I do not like them… err… Roy I. Guardsman

Overall Rating: C-

-Ze Beer Guy

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