Thursday, May 13, 2010

Guinness Draught (Archived)

Ze Beer? Gunniess Draught

Ze Style? Dry Irish Stout

Ze Maker? Guinness Ltd.

Ze Content! 4.2%

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Guinness is practically the Bud light, of stouts. I think it’s funny, when you ask people what their favorite dark beer is, and for some reason, most individuals state the name; Guinness. It’s true that it is the staple dark beer, but just like Bud/Coors is the staple casual beer, Guinness ranks in the same way. Don’t get me wrong, I would much rather have a Guinness than a Bud light, but to those out there who enjoy Guinness as a stout (which is fine) there is a world of stouts out there, that are so much better. Keep following my blogs and hopefully you’ll find that stout!

Guinness pours a dark black, the nitrogenized widget inside gives it the fresh draught effect. Some may not know, but that widget makes a world of difference. It also creates this fun cascading head effect, as the stout settles and the heavy thick head forms. Guinness smells of burnt malts, a slight caramel taste and a little bit of buried chocolate in the back end, but the burnt smell gives a type of toasted charcoal taste which leaves a linger awkward bitter aftertaste in the mouth. Fairly bland, and watered down, not much going on in this beer besides that overly charcoaled taste. Easy to drink, with a nice creamyness to it; but all in all, don’t taste a Guinness and put it in the same field as the rest of stouts. Trust me, there are betters out there.

Would I drink this beer again? If it was offered to me I would drink Guinness again, but I wouldn’t go out of my way to pick it up.

Overall Rating: C-

-Ze Beer Guy

Monday, May 10, 2010

Indica I.P.A. (New) 5-10-2010

Ze Beer? Indica

Ze Style? I.P.A.

Ze Maker? Lost Coast Brewery

Ze Content! ABV: 6.5%

Lost Coast Brewery is a fairly popular brewery in California, near the Humboldt area. More popularly known for its Downtown Brown and Great White ales; they do make plenty of other great brews. I do like a great I.P.A., and finding a good one can be difficult, I.P.A.’s tend to be more on the bitter side, with the amount of hops used, this also tends to increase the ABV just a bit. I’m sure I’ll be reviewing plenty of I.P.A.’s so for my first one, here we go.

This beer is a pours with a great amber golden haze color, and pours with fluffy head, with lots of lacing. Not as crisp for an I.P.A., however, great on the piney hop scent, with a slight sticky resin hop taste. A small bit of grape-fruity flavors give it a slight citrus sweetness, to help balance out the bitter hops. A bit of a creamy mouth-feel rather than the typical crisp I.P.A. taste, this actually is quite refreshing though not so traditional. All in all, a great any time I.P.A. great hop taste without the heavy bitter aftertaste.

Would I drink this beer again? Yea, this is a great I.P.A. if you want that hoppy flavor but aren’t looking for that buzz, that an I.P.A. tends to bring after a couple.

Overall Rating: B/B+

-Ze Beer Guy