Friday, October 29, 2010

Serpent's Stout 10-29-2010

Ze Beer? Serpent’s Stout
Ze Style? Imperial Stout
Ze Maker? The Lost Abbey
Ze Content! 11%

So this beer I received as a Birthday gift from one of my best friends Matthew Rusting-Morey. It was my birthday in September, and a growler from Lost Abbey/Pizza Port Brewery was purchased for me  Thanks Matt! So this bottle clearly isn’t the “Serpent Stout” normal bottle but what you see here is The Lost Abbey’s 2 Liter Growler. Had to bust out the big Guard for the Big Bottle! I have only had a few of The Lost Abbey’s beers, but so far from what I’ve had they are all worth the price. The Lost Abbey is in Southern California, and if anyone is near the area, it is definitely worth the visit.

As most Imperial stouts are, this beer is pretty dark, not much head to it and the retention was a bit light as well, but it had a nice tan color to the head. Not as Jet black as other imperial stouts, but through the body, it’s pretty opaque with light brown edges along the glass lines. Right off the bat you can smell the booze content on this beer, it is indeed 11% but it also smells like its 11%. Tons of roasted malts with some decent but not overpowering coffee scents; raisin and fig maybe too? As well as some chocolate going through, with a bit of toffee caramel on the back end of the nose. Possibly some molasses tones helping the sweetness come through. Nice lacing, on the glass. Though the boozey content is very noticeable it doesn’t have that boozey burn in your mouth… makes his much easier to drink, while clearly knowing, this beer will do you in if not careful. A soft chocolate bitter hangs in your mouth, a little creamy but not to heavy or thick, at least for an imperial. At first sips the stout can be a bit strong, but once you take a decent swig of this stout, you realize the booziness isn’t too bad, and it becomes quite enjoyable. Not too rich, makes this imperial easier to drink, Though I do believe a growler in one setting may be too much… Or is it ;)

Would I PAY for this beer? It depends on the occasion, if I were going out, one bottle would do the trick, but I wouldn’t bring this to just an average party, I feel as if it would go to waste. But if I were in the mood for this, I would most definitely buy it!

Overall Rating: A-

-Ze Beer Guy

Monday, October 11, 2010

Moose Drool 10-11-2010

Ze Beer? Moose Drool
Ze Style? Brown Ale
Ze Maker? Big Sky Brewing Co.
Ze Content! 5.1%

So October has begun, and I am now officially making my blog public, which means I will do my best to maintain and update this blog as often as possible. Let’s see how this goes! I first turned to Moose Drool when expanding my beer horizons beyond that of a Newcastle. Newcastle will always have a special place in my heart as a beer that is just decent to drink for an anytime beer. This one just caught my attention because well… the label is that of a Moose… Drooling. C’mon. I see people buying this beer often enough to feel confident that I wouldn’t be immediately let down, but as I see it there is only one way to try out a new beer. Drink it. Let’s do it.

Moose Drool pours a nice mahogany color into your glass, Not much head to it, and little retention, but that may have to do with I’ve had this bottle for some time as well. I tend to save bottles, more than I need to. A great nutty nose from this brown ale, a soft bit of caramel maltiness, with a subtle dark chocolate bitterness to the finish makes this beer very nice. Lots of fresh nuts, and a tad bit of coffee fill your nose just about borderline porter style this brown is a bit heavier than the common Newcastle. When you drink this beer, it is definitely a nice refreshing take on what a darker beer may hint to. Surprisingly lighter in body than one would expect from a beer this dark, still has a decent weight, and a nice taste, very drinkable for the color of this beer. It can be a bit sweet, good for a few beers especially with dinner, but stand alone, possibly not the best idea.

Would I PAY for this beer? On occasion the mood strikes for a decent nutty brown ale, usually for me when it hits, I just go for a porter. If you haven’t had this beer, but enjoy its style… pick one up. Or like me, wait for someone else to buy it then gladly call dibs. :)

Overall Rating: C+

-Ze Beer Guy